Wednesday, December 30, 2009

15/25 Post-Christmas Posts: Snow, Part 1

So we were supposed to have holiday parties on the last day before Christmas vacation, but a big snow was predicted, so they cancelled school. All my French Club cakes and goody bags.... well, at least we got a real snow!

Here's Charlie that day. Always willing to tear things apart, he discovered an open box of pasta, and proceeded to spread them around the room. Here's just the start.
We like to participate in our local Christmas Basket Program. Here's how much snow there was in the early afternoon, about 3 pm, on Friday. It was fast to stick. After the program, I thought it would be a good time to take a quick drive around town-- soooo wrong was I! Our little Jetta just does not do well in the snow, and neither did a lot of other cars on the steep hills around Rockbridge County.

Actually, you might have heard about the people on Interstate 81, stuck in the Lexington portion of the road, needing to be rescued because their cars had no where to go for nearly 2 days.
Here's what it looked like the next morning, when Jeremy went to take the dog for a walk.
She HATED it, having to tunnel thru the cold wet stuff! She was confused-- where should she go?

More snow pics...

We thought it would be a good time to sled.....

But it was a workout walking thru the deep, deep snow. Carrying a 20+lb. kid and a sled, ... this was more than a workout.
Here's the accumulation by the next morning, and it was still snowing, although its' hard to tell in these pictures. It didn't stop snowing until mid -afternoon Saturday.

We finally made it to the church across the street for some shelter, and I wasn't sure I wanted to continue. I put Charlie in the sling, thinking that would make life easier. Since he was all bundled in layers, I couldn't fold his legs under, so they stuck down. I could only lift the lower portion of my leg, and trying to walk in 1.5+ft. deep snow.... it was exhausting at that point.
Jeremy went on to try to sled, but it was too deep, even trying to make tracks to start.
Here's when Charlie said, "THAT's it! Time to go home, NOWWW!"
And we went. Happy to oblige. We'd sled some other day. This snow wasn't going anywhere!

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