It always feels like I'm returning from a blogging break! I really do intend to share more often, but sometimes it's just easier to be out there, rather than write about it!
Everything's going really well, we're just finishing up the school year. You'd think that'd be an easy time, but it's the craziest. SOL tests, parties, final club meetings, graduations, ceremonies, etc. Oh! cake walks, baby showers, bridal showers. But it's been fun.

We had an awesome weekend. Went to dinner and a movie with some friends... saw Pirates III. I really enjoyed how completely unpredicatable it was. By the way, IF YOU ARE GOING TO SEE PIRATES III, make sure you stick around until AFTER the credits. There's a secret scene (not so secret anymore!) which really shouldn't be such a secret... I won't say another word.
Saturday we headed to Rocky Mount, VA to Jeremy's brother-in-law's folks' place for a mini-reunion. Almost all of his siblings and neices and nephews were present.

What a relaxing day...

A day for catching up with my sisters-in-law, relaxing in the hot tub, freezing in the pool, feeling the breeze of a nearby rain storm, grilling, losing badly at Scrabble...

but full of plenty of fun with the kids, too.

The newest addition to the family with his aunt Rach.

I really wish I could spend more time with the kids (and my in-laws, too!). We don't see them enough-- and when we do, they're so excited to see eachother they don't react as much to their aunts & uncles! :) I'm hoping we'll have another get-together in the fall when his parents return from Tokyo.

We spent the rest of the weekend beating the heat, taking some strolls, working on some home projects, and having my 'rents and bro over for a smorgeousborg of a dinner!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend.

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