Here are some of my favorites made by other crafters:
Chicken Quilt
Quilt for a Wee One
Fresh Tradition
Lady Bug
Green Dot
Red Dot by Vicki
First Doll Quilt by Mamma and Jack
Red Posie
Gets ya thinking, doesn't it? If you've seen some great doll quilts, would you mind leaving me a comment with a link?
Some other blogs I'm sure you'll enjoy visiting:
Fresh Vintage - she really finds some great stuff at yard sales and such. Makes me really hope the weather clear up soon... spring yard sales are too much fun!
Vingage Pretties- I really enjoy her Inspiration Fridays. Lots of great ideas ....
My Many Colored Crayons- I especially enjoy this blog because she is a teacher. I love that she's given each kid a nickname so that she can write about them. Great ideas.
Petite Anglaise- As I've discovered, there are many of us who wish we lived in Paris. She does! I randomly discovered her blog because of an article I'd read. Unfortunately, because of her blogging at work, she lost her job... You can read the longer version of the story here. Glad Blogger's blocked at work -- not that I would blog at work :) !
Bluelines- A blog with Martha's stamp on it? You can't go wrong with that! Very practical stuff.
Wow! How jealous am I? I still haven't found a vintage doll quilt to buy yet...
Yay! You're blogging again!
I just barely saw a cute doll quilt on this blog:
And it even has little birds, just for you!
Coleen!! I have missed your blog so much!! I am glad you are back on. the pictures are always so pretty. I LOVE the black and white photo of you and Jer. He looks goofy but you look gorgeous!!
Thanks for the mention! I was recently at a craft store and saw the tiny babys to put in the sticky bun King Cake. I am definately going to do that next year! Glad you are back!
thanks for all the links! i love your doll quilt. it's very precious!
See- I did check out your blog & I must say I am impressed! Nice pictures.....- why don't you send them to the News Gazette? love, MA
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