Saturday, May 27, 2006

Why Does She Look So Grumpy?

This week was a long week! This week, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders took Virginia SOL (Standards of Learning) tests. It made for an atypical work week, and makes me appreciate the weekend even more.

I also waitress... well, I have waitressed for years. I have worked in so many restuarants -- I actually really enjoy waitressing. I love to see/taste all the delicious food, meet some really cool customers and of course, work with my very best friend! It's just not something I want to do full time. For the past year, I have worked at a small bistro in town, once or twice a week. I decided that it was about time for me to work one job (rather than my full time + part time job)... that I need to simplify my life! So, any-who, I put in my notice and this was supposed to be my last week. I've been asked to work"one more day" -for one night next week, due to the fact it should be very busy b/c of Washington and Lee's graduation. So I am close to being finished waitressing, and since I am, I'm so anxious to have a full week of free evenings! What a luxury! :)

I mentioned that I went to a pottery place on Saturday. The bottom plate is supposed to be American Gothic (you know, the man and his wife, pitchfork, house) and then the dip bowl is a landscape all the way around with farms and a little town. I spent almost 3 full nites there in the studio painting. It's my new addiction. It's my first project in ceramics (never got to take it in college) and I think I should have started simple. I'll have to put in a photo of the finished set.

I also have been trying forever to finish my friend Autumn's baby quilt. It's my first quilt. When I first started it, I worked full-speed because she was to visit from California. It was close, but since then, I haven't been able to work on it all that much. I look at it everyday and want to finish, but haven't found the time. Here's Lulu looking at it, and a close-up of one of the 6 hankies I'm using on it.

My last project is to hang two Tord Boontje "Before Dawn" panels... Here is what one looks like. Don't you love them?!?!?!?!

My problem: I have a cat and when I had one hanging by itself , he jumped thru! He pierced it and I have to fix it. My solution is this (I'm open to other suggestions, though): place sheer curtains on both the front and the back of the panel. That way the cat won't go up in the window and try to jump thru, or play with the small cutouts on the other side of the panel.

Memorial day seems like a perfect time to tackle some of these projects, though... can't wait.

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