Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blogging Break Over....

Well, I abandoned this poor little blog a little longer than I thought I would. Summer's almost over; I'll have to post more about our summer vacations (we have spent so much time in the car!) later. 

Right now, let me update you for a quick minute: I'm waiting to find out if I got into grad school. I'm that person who runs to the mailbox when I see the mailwoman because I'm so excited to open that envelope. You see, I've been at this job for 7 years. I am ready to either advance in my career or make plans to move on. When I think about becoming a student again, I'm excited. This also may be an opportunity for me to be home with Charlie, as the classes are evenings and weekends. If I get in, and work, I may not see him very much! So, we'll see.

 If it doesn't work out, I may have to return to my job but we're also interested in making some other changes: moving. We are so ready to move from this little house! 5 years in this house has been great but.... it's so small! We need more room! A yard and some privacy would be great. I'm tired of hearing what's going on next door, or hearing my neighbor snore. 

Finally, Charlie! Our little guy is so much fun. Watching him tear apart the house -- who has time to blog! He's crawling all over the place and is just a super happy guy. He was waving for a while but not so much lately. It seems he says "Mama!" but we're not quite sure. The photo above is from our recent reunion in Tenn.

Well, now that our computer is working again (down for about 2 months) I hope to blog again a little more . I've just started a new quilt and I've been baking a lot. My camera cards are full and ready to share photos, but I'm so itching for a good camera!!! 

More updates soon. Hope you have had a great summer! 


*Jess* said...

What a nice surprise this was on my blog roll today :) Welcome back!

Leslie Cosgriff McKinney said...

I am so glad you're back!! any word yet from grad school??